Saturday, February 9, 2013

A personal post: my weight loss

I normally use this blog for commenting on global political economy issues, and I tweet my posts to publicize.  This post is more personal: Nothing embarrassing, nothing that I am unwilling to share with friends and acquaintances and even strangers, but certainly not professional.

Over the past year, I have lost a lot of weight tracking my food intake and exercise.  This has been gradual, so people who see me every day may not really notice.  But I posted a picture of my new self on Facebook, and people who haven't seen me for a while are astonished.  It's a big change.

Lots of people have asked how I did it.  The short answer is by carefully tracking my food intake and exercise using, which I can access on my computer, my cell phone, and my tablet.  The longer answer has to do with my relationship to food and exercise.

First came a more serious commitment to exercise several years ago.  My goal has been at least ½ hour cardio exercise 5 days a week.  I decided I deserved to enjoy exercise: I deserve to enjoy "play-outs," not suffer through workouts.  I enjoy listening to music, watching TV, or reading for pleasure (magazines, junky novels) while walking on the treadmill, peddling an exercise bike, or using the elliptical.  We purchased both a treadmill and an elliptical, both strategically placed near TV screens. Even better is walking around a track (more comfortable than a treadmill), so I knew I wanted to join a gym.  When we moved to Baltimore and I joined the Hopkins faculty, I quickly discovered that the recreation center on campus has something that makes it truly wonderful: separate dressing rooms for faculty/staff.  I figure I can exercise with my students, but I was not going to shower and change clothes in the same dressing room.  Combine that with a really reasonable cost for faculty, and I was sold.  Oh, it's not glamorous, but it has what I need.  There are treadmills, exercise bikes, and an indoor track. A typical exercise session might be connecting my phone to the wifi and then accessng  Pandora's "cardio dance radio," and off I go around the track: 30 minutes of not working, just enjoying the music and walking along.  That's 30 minutes of fun that I simply deserve in my life. 

It was important to me, too, to realize that the gym was not just for perfect, already fit and skinny people.  It's not just that I was not the only person there with extra poundage, nor was I the only person walking (and not running) around the track.  It was more fundamental than that. I decided that I had a right to my play-out sessions.  I belong in the gym just like everyone else there.

More fun was to be had when a Zumba class for faculty and staff started on campus.  I'm a regular every Monday.  More recently, a sophomore started an Israeli dance group at Hillel.  I'm a regular there, too.  And as I started losing weight, I began to combine my walks around the track with a little bit of running and strength training.

My changes in diet started after I started exercising more.  An ophthalmologist told me that my migraines were being caused by the aspartame from all the Diet Coke and other aspartame sweetened things I was consuming.  Well, I wasn't sure if he was right, but I decided to give up aspartame to see what would happen.  I told my internist about his advice, and her response was: "No one has ever shown that people lose weight because of artificial sweeteners.  Your body knows what to do with ordinary sugar.  It does not know what to do with the chemicals in artificial sweeteners that produce super sweetness."  At about the same time, I read an article summarizing research that suggested that artificial sweeteners make us crave more sweet stuff, not less.  So, I decided to give up all zero calorie artificial sweeteners.  I also, to the extent possible, eliminated high fructose corn syrup from my diet.  It, too, is manufactured to be extra sweet.  I made one other diet change: At my husband's urging, I started trying to buy products with lower sodium content.

I did not switch from diet to regular soda.  Instead, I gave up soda, except for seltzer (which I love), either plain, with a squeeze of lemon, or with a little fruit juice.  We bought a SodaStream seltzer maker.  I also make pitchers of iced tea.  If I want it sweetened (and I often don't), I limit the sugar or honey to 1 teaspoon per 12 ounces or so.  That takes the bitter edge off the tea and makes it a little sweet, but not overly so. 

With these changes, I started tasting flavors better: more flavors became apparent when my senses weren't overloaded with salty and sweet flavors.  That appealed to my inner foodie!

Then, Michael Pollan's book, In Defense of Food, came out and was covered widely in the press.  Full disclosure: I never actually read the book, but I did read the summary:  "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." And:  "Don't eat anything that your great-great grandmother would not recognize as food."  This really resonated with me.  I know enough about the political economy of the American and global food industry to understand how the interests of Big Agribusiness skew policies that structure food supply in the US market to be cheap and "processed."  Added sweeteners and salt in those processed products is one part of the story.  Other additives are another part.  So, to the extent possible, I started eliminating additives from my diet.  (Trader Joe's has been quite helpful here, though a lot of its food is still too high in sodium.) By changing the quality of the ingredients I used, the food I prepared started tasting even better.

That was sufficient incentive to get me to bring my lunch to work most days.  For my beverage I drink hot tea in the colder weather, and I bring 20 oz. glass bottles of homemade iced tea for warmer weather.  (Aquasana glass water bottles are perfect for this purpose.)  Sometimes my lunch is dinner leftovers; sometimes it's a sandwich or a can of sardines and crackers.  I always toss in some fruit and usually some sort of vegetable. I bring healthy snacks along, too.  Eight nuts is a surprising good pick-me-up.

In general, I began cooking more "from scratch," but I have been taking only a little more time to cook because I'm cooking simple, tasty things.  Instead of opening a jar of spaghetti sauce, I started to quickly make my own sauce, often using pre-chopped onions or mirepoix from Trader Joe's.  (Quickly sauté some onions or mirepoix in olive oil, add garlic [either crushed, chopped cloves or garlic powder], add plenty of dried oregano, toss in a bay leaf, then add a can or two of no salt added chopped tomatoes. Add some no salt added tomato paste, if desired.  Presto: Nice, chunky, flavorful tomato sauce that can be used for many purposes.) 

To this point, I was making behavioral changes for getting more physically fit and eating "purer," tastier food.  I wasn't losing weight, though I did lose an inch or so from getting more muscle.  I did not gain weight even though I stopped using artificial sweeteners.

Then, last March, I had to have a medical treatment that usually results in weight gain for me.  I decided I was going to do something to avoid gaining weight this time around.  I searched online for a calorie log and found the USDA's Supertracker program, which I could use online and as an app on my Android devices.  I started recording everything I ate and my exercise, and something completely miraculous occurred:

I started losing instead of gaining weight while on this treatment.

This wasn't hard.  I was already eating pretty healthy foods, and by using the tracking program I realized that I needed to carefully measure and weigh to get the portions right.  If I ate a cup of ice cream, I entered a cup of ice cream and I could see immediately how that contributed to a reasonably balanced diet (calories, nutrients).  Then I realized that a half of a cup of ice cream still meant I got to eat ice cream, but the smaller amount fit better into my daily nutritional profile. And so it went.  If I want spaghetti, I weigh out a 2 oz portion.  I can eat what I want in moderation.

Supertracker is great, and I do recommend it because it really gives a full picture of nutritional value of foods, but when I found, I switched.  Myfitnesspal crowdsources nutritional information.  If I enter "Trader Joe's sunflower salted" into the search field, up pops "Trade Joe's Roasted and Salted Sunflower Seeds," with all the nutritional information from the package, which had already been added by a fellow user of the program.  Also, I can type in the ingredients of my own recipe and add that to the stored information on my account.

One thing to be careful about with myfitnesspal is that it keys your recommended food intake to your exercise.  If you have your settings set to lose about a pound a week and you don't exercise on a particular day, myfitnesspal will tell you eat only 1200 calories.  If you do exercise, the recommended calorie count will be closer to 1400.  I know that 1400 is a minimum for me, and 1450 is even better.  I was not in a race.  In fact, I initially suggested to myself that three years would be a reasonable amount of time to take off the weight I wanted to lose for my health.  Instead, it took me slightly less than one year, but I was careful not to go too fast.  And I'm careful to eat a balanced diet.

A month or two after I started tracking my calories, I read news reports about how this method was the best for losing weight and maintaining weight loss.  Yay!  I had stumbled on a winner.

But for this method to work, one needs to really track.  I measure and weigh.  I bought a digital food scale, extra measuring cups, and extra measuring spoons.  I write down everything, even if it's a day when I indulged and blew my calorie budget.  I am brutally honest with myself.  I try to record breakfast and lunch by mid afternoon.  That way I know what my afternoon snack and dinner budget will be.  I try not to eat too late at night.  I also try to spread my calories out through the day so I don't leave most of them until dinner, as tempting as that might be.

Back in September, I saw a Living Social offer for half-priced body composition testing, metabolic rate testing and nutritional counseling at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health Weight ManagementClinic.  By this point, I had lost quite a bit of weight and was about two thirds of the way to what I assumed was a healthy goal, but I wasn't really sure of what my goal should be.  I bought the offer and had a very interesting appointment.  Being able to bring my food diary, printed out from myfitnesspal, made it much easier for the nutritionist to counsel me.  On balance I was doing pretty well.  The trainer recommended that I add strength training to my exercise routine (I have done so) and the results of the body composition and metabolic rate tests allowed for more precise recommendations about weight goals and appropriate calorie counts to get me there.  The nutritionist checked over my food diary and found it well balanced, reassured me that slower weight loss was normal as I neared my goal, recommended that I not eat most of my calories at dinner, and suggested I limit myself each day to either alcohol (i.e., a glass of wine with dinner) or a dessert (I make a bittersweet hot cocoa), but not both.  She also told me that I would probably always need to track my food intake, perhaps not every day once I reach my goal, but most days.  Also, I would never be one of those mythical people who gets to eat 2000 calories a day.  1500 or 1600 would probably be my limit. 

By the end of January, I met my goal.  I have never been this thin in my adult life before.  I was heavier than this for most, if not all, of high school.  I am not skinny, but I am at a healthy weight and a good level of fitness.

When I look back on my path, I see that I actually made lots of changes over a long period of time.  I have come to believe that cheap, super sweet and/or salty food is poison, whether the sweetener has calories or not.  Those of us with a familial (nature or nurture or both) predisposition toward obesity are constantly being sabotaged by food advertising, packaging, contents, etc. 

My advice to those who want to lose weight:

Eat good food only.  Quality matters.  Retrain your palate to taste real food, and avoid dulling your ability to taste by consuming  too much salt or sweeteners.

Eat good food in appropriate quantities. Measure and weigh.

Exercise not because it's a chore that has to get done, but because it's fun to move and it's something you get to do even if you are really busy.  It's a break that we get to have not because we earned it but just because we are human.

Making a small change is better than not making any changes.

Exercising for five minutes is better than not exercising at all.

Scrupulously logging food and exercise every day using websites and apps really does work, but you have to actually fill out the log.

Don't try to lose weight quickly. 

Learn how to make simple, tasty dishes from scratch quickly.

Vegetables are great.  They have a low calorie density, and they taste good.

Make room in your calorie budget for a little bit of chocolate (if you like chocolate).  For me, bittersweet cocoa (8 oz of low fat, lactose free milk, 1 tablespoon of sugar, and 2 heaping tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa) does the trick.

Focus on health goals.  I think that the science suggests that a modest weight loss that you can maintain is healthier than a big weight loss that you can't.

And one other thing.  This is not the only way.  This worked for me.  Someone else I know has had a similarly dramatic weight loss not counting calories, but instead using the "paleo diet."


Renee Marlin-Bennett said...

It has been almost a year and half since I wrote that post, and I have maintained the weight loss. This is the longest time I've maintained weight loss in my life. My approach to food continues to evolve as I learn more about advances in the science of nutrition, about how processes of food production affect nutrient composition (in addition to being important ethically), and about the role of exercise.

The first big change is that I rarely eat bread any more, and when I do I try to eat homemade, 100% whole wheat bread. It now tastes better to me than white bread, and if I make it myself I know how much salt and sugar went into it. (Store-bought bread is surprisingly high in sodium!)My reasoning for this is the glycemic load of simple carbs: Bread (and potatoes and rice) turn to glucose really quickly in the body, and I suspect that the glucose messes with my head. Avoiding a glucose surge makes sense to me.

Another change is that I have switched to full-fat dairy (especially milk, yogurt, and -- perhaps once a week -- butter) from local dairy farms that treat their cows right. Drinking whole milk means consuming more calories per ounce than one would get from skim milk, but when enjoyed slowly and intentionally, whole milk provides, IMHO, more satisfaction and satiety. Still, I watch portion size carefully and log those calories.

Third, we're trying to eat only food that is ethically and sustainably produced. That means: kosher, grass-fed beef and lamb; kosher pastured poultry; locally sourced eggs from a well-treated flock; sustainably caught wild fish; locally produced milk products from well-treated cows; and whenever possible, local and organic fruits and vegetables. The truth is that this is an expensive strategy. We save money by eating out much less than we used to, but our overall food costs have increased. We don't eat meat or chicken all that often, and I look for bargain cuts most of the time.

And finally, exercise. I'm pushing myself more than I used to, and I recently hired a personal trainer. I love getting stronger, and when I don't get stronger, I love not getting weaker.

Healthy living really is our new way of life. We like it.

Renee Marlin-Bennett said...

And here's more on my husband's approach since "paleo" is so often an abused term. His diet consists of lots of fruit and non-starchy vegetables, a reasonable amount of fish and meat (no processed meats), and eggs. He eats NO dairy, NO simple carbs (including no potatoes, corn, or rice), and limited legumes. He works to keep his consumption of Omega 3's and Omega 6's in better balance. A typical dinner for him is:

A large dinner plate covered with a chopped onion, a couple of chopped tomatoes, some olives, a can of no salt added, wild caught, sustainable salmon, and an avocado.

Also, he does at least a half hour of vigorous exercise each evening.