Thursday, April 7, 2011

IR Theory Words to Live By . . .

Once upon a time, when I was an undergraduate, my advisor, who taught the senior seminar in IR theory, had a famous saying about systems & processes. I had completely forgotten about it, until I discovered it when I Googled his name, looking for some of his publications. Instead, I stumbled upon a Facebook page for Florida International University's Latin American and Caribbean Studies Student Group. There, right on the righthand side of the page, was the group motto, appropriately credited to JKZ:

“If you don’t know what you are talking about, call it ‘system’; if you don’t know what it is made of, call it ‘subsystems’; if you don’t know how it works, call it ‘process’ . . . ”
J.K. Zawodny

So, how did the FIU students find this quote?

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